In September, 2015, the world leaders adopted sustainable development goals (SDGs) which officially came into effect on January 1st, 2016. The SDGs is the post 2015 development agenda adopted by the UN succeeding Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The goals under both the agendas are closely linked with each other. On the one hand, MDGs strived for eradication of extreme poverty, SDGs are aiming at taking collective efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change by 2030. SDGs has a clear goal for sustainable cities and communications and also target for climate action. The goals of poverty eradication and targets of sustainable habitats are clearly intertwined with each other. In this direction, transport sector is an important element. The sector consumes major chunk of energy supplies and also provides linkages to the locations of economic activities particularly cities for population striving for better livelihood through employment.
Transport and Environment
The sustainable development and sustainable transport has assumed greater significance as a large number of developing countries has embarked on high growth path. Sustainability refers to anything that can last long and continue to exist on long term basis in future after meeting the legitimate existing needs.
Sustainable development aims at ensuring better quality of life for every individual and to do so by finding ways and means to disconnect development from depletion of natural resources and adverse impact on environment.
European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT 2004) has defined “A sustainable transport system is one that is accessible, safe, environmentally-friendly, and affordable”. Sustainability of transport therefore, refers to environmental and social sustainability. Environmental sustainability covers emissions and other pollutions by transport sector.
In today’s world considering the challenges of climate change, environment sustainability has become an important objective of any plan, programme and project relating to transport development. The transport system should be developed in such a way that it may not threaten environment sustainability both for the present and future generation. Promoting environmental sustainability is consistent with the aim of welfare maximisation through economic efficiency where social welfare incorporates social environmental cost and benefit.
The Institute had been advocating sustainable transport through research studies and also advocacy.
Research Studies: |
1. Environmental and Social Sustainability of Transport - Comparative Study of Rail and Road
2. Socio-economic Impact of 4-laning of National Highway on Rural Population – Phase II
3. Socio-economic Impact of 4-laning of National Highway on Rural Population – Phase I
4. Transport-Energy Nexus: Towards Sustainability
Journals : |
1.Urban Transport
2. Asian Transport Journal (June 1999)
Sustainable Development and the Indian Perspective
3. Asian Transport Journal (Dec 1998)
Automobiles and Environmental Sustainability: Issues and Options for Developing Countries
Monographs : |
1. Sustainable Transport Pricing in India |

Transport and Safety
Road accident is one of the leading causes of deaths in the world. As per WTO, more than 1.2 million people die in road traffic crashes every year and 50 million people are injured or disabled by road traffic crashes every year. More than 50% of all crash victims are vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.
These have extreme impact on an economy as a whole. It results in cost to the economies upto 4% of the GDP. Notably, more than 70% of these accidents are occurring in developing countries. Road accident is one of the leading causes of death across the world. This grave situation attracts research and policy institutions to advocate safe transportation planning and policies in developing countries.
The Institute has been advocating safety in transport sector and has been working in collaboration with other institutions like Transport Research and Injury Prevention Programme (TRRIP) of IIT Delhi. The Institute has also initiated studies in this area.