Case Studies

Long way to go...
E-Rickshaws are comparatively eco-friendly mode of transport. To promote their introduction, Delhi Government has introduced a scheme for granting subsidy to Registered E-Rickshaw owners in the capital city. As a prerequisite, few relevant details and supporting documents of the driver namely, details of his bank account and registration of the vehicle and a cancelled cheque, duly authenticated by Motor Licensing Officer of the area, are to be submitted to the Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
Unfortunately, the extent scheme has not been duly promoted and marketed by the city government due to which there is an utter, lack of knowledge among the drivers of E-Rickshaw for whom the scheme is meant. Many owners were asked by me about the awareness among them about the scheme but the response was disappointing. Our survey shows that not more than 10% of the registered E-Rickshaw owners have availed the subsidy amount, despite the fact, that they lack capital and are needy.
Several reasons can be attributed for the failure to not utilise the allocated funds. One such case is shown in the box:
Fortune of E-Rickshaw Driver decided by a “Cancelled cheque”
Sunil 42 years old, An E-Rickshaw owner, applied for the subsidy scheme. He was denied subsidy as he did not have a “cancelled cheque”. Sunil has been staying in Delhi for the last 25 years and driving E-rickshaw for the last three years. Sunil has a registered E-Rickshaw by the Transport Authority, also a driving licence to drive the vehicle.
Accordingly, Sunil applied for the subsidy for his E-Rickshaw as he fulfilled all the requirements under the scheme in vogue. However, though he fulfilled all the formalities except a cancelled cheque as he had a bank account under JAN DHAN YOJANA, which does not facilitate the bank account holder with a cheque book. Therefore, Sunil withdraws money, whenever required by means of pay-in-slip.
Ashneet Gahlawat, Intern at AITD